Rabu, 05 November 2008

welcome home !!!


we differentiate our material by using acacia woods for our products.
Our furniture is made from solid acacia, a durable hardwood that performs beautifully in any climate.
For today and years to come, wooden furniture will be committed to acacia.
Why? Because the light brown color of acacia is almost similar with the teak wood as well as the strength ness.
The firm textured and their water resistant features make acacia more flexible to manufacture for both
indoor and outdoor items. It is converted to many types of comfortable garden furniture;
it is also suitable for fence and flooring.

Acacia raw materials come from plantation forests with its unique features that are firm and water resistant.
We create and design our furniture and accessories as well as receive exclusive order from our importers.
Some of the products that we have produced are garden furniture, fence and wood flooring
made of acacia woods, and many more.

We only use ecologically harvested wood from our forest with an official commitment
to the management of our national forestry resources. For every tree felled, more than one
is planted to replace it. It becomes an important part in the economy of developing nations.
We believe in our excellence is the ever-lasting trend. Our principle is to deliver high-quality,
value-added, and best service to our customers. We do hope that we can fulfill your requirements and satisfy your needs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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